5th Birthday Baby Story

“Tara” came into Eve’s Hope abortion minded – and she was also experiencing a “terrible, horrible, no good” morning. In getting on the bus that morning for her appointment at Eve’s Hope, she was rummaging through her purse only to find that she didn’t have enough money for the bus fare. In exasperation and stepping out of line, a kind, elderly woman behind her paid for her $2.00 fare.

At the Pregnancy Center, the Care Coordinator shared with Tara all of her pregnancy options along with the sacrificial love of Christ for her and her unborn baby. However, nothing would change her mind in aborting the baby of this unplanned and unexpected pregnancy. Tara was, however, willing to accept the offer of a free ultrasound – which checks the viability of the pregnancy.

It was during this ultrasound that Tara discovered that she was eight weeks pregnant, not only with one, but two babies! Tara was carrying twins! She couldn’t believe her eyes. At that moment, “Our Favorite Baby Story” was born. Tara chose life for her babies. As tears rolled down her cheeks, she realized she could not abort her twin babies and chose to parent them instead.

We have often thought about that lady on the bus and how she’ll never know what her kindness of $2.00 did for Tara and her unborn babies. YOUR kindness and generosity makes a difference in the lives of our moms and their babies. YOUR donations help us save the lives of the unborn. What started as a “terrible, horrible, no good morning” for Tara ended by her experiencing the unconditional love of Christ and being embraced in His love at Eve’s Hope, where hope is born.

Will you help us celebrate our 5th Birthday and continue in making our “Favorite Baby Stories”? Your tax deductible donation will help us meet our Birthday Celebration Goal of $15,000.

These are hard financial times. If you are struggling financially I’m asking that you not send a gift right now. We know you care and love moms and their unborn babies. If you are still doing okay, please consider making a gift.

“Children are a GIFT from the Lord.” Psalm 127:3

Will you be part of the GIFT?

Donate Here!

You are in our prayers.

Grace be with you,
Linda Rump

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