The issue of life and whether or not an unborn child has the right to live is the most important moral issue we have facing our nation. As more states adopt new laws giving greater access to abortion, it demonstrates how important pregnancy centers are for our community.

Every 20 seconds in the United States a baby is lost to abortion. That adds up to 1.2 million lost lives each year. In Florida, there were more than 82,192 abortions in 2022. Miami ranks third in the nation for the number of abortions. You can change that.

When you choose to partner with Eve’s Hope, your support gives women the strength to choose life for their unborn baby and to experience the love of Christ.

Stay Informed

It’s hard to keep up with the latest pro-life news. We hope the following resources, Pregnancy Help News and LifeNews, will help you stay informed.

Pregnancy Help News

Pregnancy Help News includes commentary on adoption, fatherhood, legislation, post-abortion, ultrasound, and abortion.


LifeNews is an independent news agency devoted to reporting news that affects the pro-life community. The topics covered by include abortion, assisted suicide and euthanasia, bioethics issues such as human cloning and stem cell research, campaigns and elections, and cultural legal and legislative issues as they affect the pro-life community.

Latest News In Florida: HB 5 Protecting the Unborn

Florida passed HB 5, the abortion ban protecting the unborn after 15 weeks. The bill also amends a provision related to the reporting of abortions. The new law clarifies the reporting of the number of drug regimens (RU-486) prescribed for medical abortion, which means we will have a better account of the number of annual abortions in Florida.

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